Location of Urban Logistics Spaces (ULS) for Two-Echelon Distribution Systems

dc.contributor.authorJosé Ruiz-Meza
dc.contributor.authorKaren Meza-Peralta
dc.contributor.authorJairo R. Montoya-Torres
dc.description.abstractThe main concern in city logistics is the need to optimize the movement of goods in urban contexts, and to minimize the multiple costs inherent in logistics operations. Inspired by an application in a medium-sized city in Latin America, this paper develops a bi-objective mixed linear integer programming (MILP) model to locate different types of urban logistics spaces (ULS) for the configuration of a two-echelon urban distribution system. The objective functions seek to minimize the costs associated with distance traveled and relocation, in addition to the costs of violation of time windows. This model considers heterogeneous transport, speed assignment, and time windows. For experimental evaluation, two operational scenarios are considered, and Pareto frontiers are obtained to identify the efficient non-dominated solutions to select the most feasible ones from such a set. A case study of a distribution company of goods for supermarkets in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, is also used to validate the proposed model. These solutions allow decision-makers to define the configuration of ULS networks for urban product delivery.eng
dc.description.researchareaCiencia y desarrollo tecnologíco
dc.description.researchareaComputación aplicada
dc.description.researchareaGestión de la tecnología y la innovación
dc.description.researchareaIngeniería de Software
dc.description.researchareaLogística y Gestión de procesos
dc.description.researchareaTecnología y calidad en la industria de alimento
dc.identifier.citationRuiz-Meza, J.; Meza-Peralta, K.; Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Gonzalez-Feliu, J. Location of Urban Logistics Spaces (ULS) for Two-Echelon Distribution Systems. Axioms 2021, 10, 214.
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dc.rightsCopyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).eng
dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)
dc.subject.ddc620 - Ingeniería y operaciones afines::629 - Otras ramas de la ingeniería
dc.subject.otherUrban Logistics Spaces
dc.subject.otherdistribution systems
dc.subject.proposalUrban Logistics Spaceseng
dc.subject.proposaltwo-echelon distribution systemseng
dc.subject.proposalmixed-integer linear programmingeng
dc.subject.proposalcase studyeng
dc.titleLocation of Urban Logistics Spaces (ULS) for Two-Echelon Distribution Systemseng
dc.typeInforme de investigación


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